Monday, December 31, 2012

Weekly Report: 12/24-12/30

Happy New Year folks. Another year gone and we're still here. I just finally finished my last final yesterday, and am now free. That said I haven't gotten to work on anything yet; but today will see me starting to work on something new. Have a good day everyone!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Professor Astonishing Comic 9

End of a story arc, I hope everyone is hyped about the good Professor now and ready for some really weird stuff in the future.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Javier Aladren: Rough Cuts: Vicious Cycle

This is an interesting one, he's using a few tools to modify the sound of his voice as well as some form of electric drums. I dunno I'm not well versed in a musicians tools. It sounds cool go listen to it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dimensional Warriors Comic page 48

Little late, but 'tis the season. Fan Fic might not happen this week as well, nor will the report be any bit interesting; I still have 2 finals due in by the 31st and they are effin' huge. Javier's stuff will be up like usual, but P. Astonishing is also up in the air.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Weekly Report 12/17 - 12/23

Well I've spent all my writing time this week working on finals, I still have two papers due after the fact and hope to be done with them before the week ends. In the meantime Christmas is chaos and wreaking a bloody vengeance on my schedule. Thankfully after tomorrow it'll all be over and I can focus on getting shit done.

On that note the comic may even be delayed this week due to the holiday. Also last week's fan fic chapter was dropped due to lack of time.

So psychoses all around. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays and Happy everything else this season.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dimensional Warriors Comic page 47

Sorry for the lateness, but Finals are kicking our butts. That said, last week of finals, then Christmas break. Have a good week everyone!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Report 12/10 - 12/16

As I said last time I finished the first draft, now I've done my first read through. As promised here is a cut version, it's about half the length of the full story and has all of the climax points taken out so I can you know, sell this...

Anyway this'll be the last time my Weekly Report's going to be about Dimensional Warriors for a while. I'm dropping the project over the Christmas break so I can do a read-through with fresh eyes at the end of the break. If it still holds up to my standards then I'll be moving on to finding a publisher!

So without further ado: Dimensional Warriors: Life (Cut)

Open Office (.odt)
Word (.doc)
Rich Text (.rtf)
Text (.txt)

One last note, I am going to send the newest version off to get a cheap copyright today; just fair warning.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dimensional Warriors Fan Fiction: The Return Chapter 26


It's sad, I want to move on from this arc, but I just don't have time to write more than this every week. Oh well. Here's the schedule for next week:

Saturday: Professor Astonishing
Monday: Weekly Report
Wednesday: Dimensional Warriors Comic
Friday: Dimensional Warriors Fan Fiction.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Javier Aladren: Rough Cuts: Survive

Another rough cut, this one has fewer audio problems and in a much sweeter tune; comparative to Javier's usual music. It's definitely worth a listen.

Lyrics again when I get them.

Also a quick note, Facebook seems to be down for me, I'll get links to this and the comic page up ASAP, but that does rely on Facebook actually working with me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Page is up! Semester is almost over!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Weekly Report 12/3 - 12/9

Okay, no except this time mostly due to time restraints; but I do have exciting news. I've completed the draft for Book 1 AND I've almost completed my first read through. I found a few spelling errors, and am changing a couple of things around. But all told it is surprisingly solid. The plan as of right now is to finish this read-through and then shelve it for the Christmas Break. Hopefully during that time select individuals will read the full draft and I will post large portions of the draft with the climax moments cut out so people can read and enjoy.

All that said I want to take a bit of a break before jumping into working on Book 2 so I'm going to probably do a little free-writing and generate some ideas for a new story that I'll work on over the break.

Then after the break I'll give Book 1 another read to see if it still holds up well, then it's on the hard road of publication. Somehow. Researching that will be part of the break too. As well as lining up a job for after graduation. Man I'm not even gonna have a break am I?

Anyway, have a great week everyone!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dimensional Warriors Fan Fiction: The Return chapter 25


A couple of notes. Firstly I'd like to thank one of the reviewers who has pointed out a couple of problems. The primary reason I "reset" the story was because if people didn't know a series these characters would be an unknown quantity. So I'm mostly going through and "modifying" stories from all sorts of places to give people a sense of the series and the world these characters come from. In that regard, I've expanded from the original eight series I was planning on covering. Now, it's pretty much no holds barred. Until I run out of places to go and people to see I'll keep adding in series that I find interesting.

The second note is after this story arc I'm changing the story structure again. I'll have more on that when it happens though.

Here's what next week is going to look like:
Monday: Weekly Report (may be late or may be on Tuesday.)
Wednesday: Dimensional Warriors Comic
Thursday: Javier Aladren
Friday: Dimensional Warriors Fan Fiction

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekly Report: 11/26-11/3

Work is being done. For the next three weeks or so this will be kept pretty brief because finals are approaching and when I'm not in class I'm existing in a state somewhere between life and death. Fortunately that doesn't usually hinder my writing time since that occurs on the train ride to and from school. So my current goal has been updated, I'm hoping to have a full transcript of Book 1 done by the end of the school semester. Considering I only have a few scenes left to write and couple scenes I know need editing, and I need to give it a read over; it's doable. It'll be tight, but it's doable.

Here's this week's excerpts from early Part 3, you should be able to see most of what I have planned for the story arc:

By the way, there may be a special surprise on its way for Professor Astonishing soon. Definitely look forward to it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012