Today held a lot of laughs, two videos from the TGWTG group, one by Linkara and the other a crossover between the Nostalgia Chick and the Rap Critic. We also had a notable comic come out at Weregeek.
Linkara reviews possibly one of the odder crossover comics in existence, Spiderman meets Saturday Night Live. Yeah it's about as weird as it sounds. It also blows about as much as one would guess. Be sure to watch after the credits, it sounds like Linkara may be in some trouble.
Nostalgia Chick, continuing her "month" long theme of reviewing Will Smith's career (in preparation for the upcoming MIB3) drudged into his rap career. However she couldn't do so without some help, and that's what they have a Rap Critic for! A lot of strong banter and we also get to watch Lindsey dance!
Weregeek has been running for a while, and is an oddball when it comes to webcomics. Not only does it have a continuous storyline, it has at least four storylines. The comic revolves around a group of geeks, this is the primary story, but they are very active in table-top games. Each time they enter one of these games we're treated to a continuation of that game's storyline (So far there are three distinct ones, classic Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, and a Vampire Larp.) This makes it sound like an impenetrable wall of continuity, and it can be. However today's comic is one of those that is just funny regardless of context. I still would recommend slowly reading through this if you are a fan of tabletop games, there's a ton of good ideas and jokes in these pages.
On my end, I got the first draft of the next segment to Webs of Nature done, as well as an outline for the next Fan Fiction update. Waiting for Ted to deliver the footage that we filmed so that I can begin editing.
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