Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekly Report 3/4-310

Not a lot of stuff this week, which explains why this is so late. Further down I'll even add some excuses to pad out the report.

Dimensional Warriors
I cleaned up what I had a bit, added a couple pages, but not a lot of distance and not a lot of change this week.

Word (.doc)
Open Office (.odt)
Rich Text (.rtf)
Text (.txt)

There's a little more here than over in DW, got a good page or so from Brian, we'll be going over it tonight.

Probably the best progress here, and I don't have the comic pages for this upcoming week. Thankfully I know Ted just needs to put in the text and we'll have like six or seven pages ready.

Well, my big excuse is that this was the week before Spring Break. So I had a paper, two tests, and my drum kit break on me. Plus I had to clean up the house, watch two sick children, and I didn't even get feed back from last week's update. (Thus why only forward progress has been made.)

Brian respectively, has begun the arduous process of moving. Thus his pain has only begun.

That said, Spring Break this week, and now that my attempts to fix my drum kit have failed (resulting in the loss of several hours and a few layers of flesh from my fingers.) My new free time should be spent heavily on writing. Expect something big next week.

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