So I got some assistance, and a few ideas on how to proceed with regards to this blog. Some of which will become apparent later this week, but first I've found out I'm putting out too much each week. So I'll be reducing everything to a weekly or bi-monthly event. That includes Dimensional Warriors Main Story. (I'll keep everything else at weekly for now and cut down as I see fit.)
Meaning next Main Story update will be Monday, I'll try and spread out everything else as well; and I'll put up the final schedule in the forums as a new announcement.
That aside, I also learned how to link large documents so that people can download them. So here I have the first part of Dimensional Warriors: The Gathering free to download in four formats:
Microsoft Word
Open Office
Web Browser
In another few weeks I'll get Part 2 edited and put up as well.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 8
The captain, Thomas, led me to the main chamber where I spotted Jato near the person I assumed to be the King.
“I see you brought the Telkian.”
“He's not Telkian, he moved stone while we fought.”
“It doesn't matter, I've been talking to the ambassador here. We've come to an agreement.”
“I told you, don't do anything.”
“What's the agreement?”
“King Mark is going to be giving us supplies in exchange for helping stop the war.”
“Okay, so are we going to the other side then?” Jato turned back to the King.
“We still need to figure that out.” The King just sat and watched us.
“You have already provided the tool I needed.” He said.
“Wait, what?”
“The Telkians started this war over a woman, the resemblance of which we have never seen. But you're friend fit the description perfectly. So I had my men send her off.”
“You what?” I said. Thomas gripped my shoulder.
“So naturally I should repay you for your assistance. We will work out what we can send for your war efforts.” Jato looked over the King for a moment.
“Can we still claim the supplies, so long as your war is over?”
“Alright, come on Thorium, we better go get Pah back before she does something stupid.”
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
S.T.U.F.F. Reviews: Ranma 1/2 Episode 2
Well this took a lot of time and effort. Especially considering I was using Avid's Pinnacle Studio, a flawed and painful device designed to instigate rebellion in the hearts of man.
Anyway, Midnight Kiss may be up next week, but it will more likely be in two weeks, like I said, Pinnacle Studio.
Anyway, Midnight Kiss may be up next week, but it will more likely be in two weeks, like I said, Pinnacle Studio.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 7
“Thorium! Wait!” I broke free of my bonds and tried to gain distance.
“I'll handle him, take the other one.” The captain yelled as he charged after me. I had already prepped my mace, and took a swing at him. He skillful dodged the blow and closed distance. I continued to back away as I warded off his attack. I saw an opportunity and grabbed his blade, reshaping it to my will. He backed away, looking at the misshapen sword.
“So you are Telkian.”
“You use their magics!” He drew a new blade, and attacked. I tried to parry in the same way, but only got my hand cut. “I see you are not familiar with my Tectic Blade. Let me show you more!” He struck out again, and I moved out of the way. He took the upper-hand, and I quickly found myself outmatched. He landed several strong blows before I was backed up to the castle walls. Exhausted I placed leaned against the wall, trying to stem the blood flow; when I felt the wall respond to my energy. I quickly pressed against the wall and forced the stone to move, placing it between the captain and myself. He seemed as surprised as I was, dropping his guard long enough for me to floor him.
“Finish me.”
“We said we aren't spies.”
“What are you?”
“I can be an ally.” I got off him and helped him to his feet.
“How did you move the stone?”
“Probably the same way I move metals. Tell me more about the Telkians.”
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Webs of Nature: Exception
This might become a weekly or bi-monthly series, depending on time.
I see because I choose to see. In my choice I am unique. Yet in all other facets I am the same, a humble husk of complex atoms. I should be heard then because I choose to speak, not because of any status (of which I have none), nor because of my defining features of race, gender or orientation.
I find myself drawn to old straws, ideals of humanity that never quite die, but are just revived in a new light. Peace, equality, opportunity, happiness. Each of these things an aspiration, not always obtainable, yet in each era we reach and try to get one step closer. Now the world is filled with 'facts' and 'phrases' bogged down by the upper crust who hope to obtain opportunity for themselves at the expense of peace and equality, and ultimately happiness.
I have found in the wide world, there is only one true law. One indisputable fact, an occurrence that is guaranteed to happen; and that is an exception. In every situation, idea, rule, law, grouping or cluster; there will undeniably be an exception. This is the state of our being, stuck between zero and one hundred percent; never able to reach either extreme. Even something as universal as the laws of gravity there have been noted exceptions to; out in the darker reaches of space.
I would suppose a rule like this is obvious to even the most moderately educated reader, yet the implications are far reaching. This rule makes even simple communication difficult. For instance, say Bill and Joe are close friends, and are usually able to go out to the local pub every Friday night. This becomes a routine, something that always happens. Since every Friday they meet at the pub, both of them expect the other to show; but one night there is an exception. Joe doesn't arrive. This changes Bill's view. Now Friday night is not a one hundred percent, there has been an exception, and that will recolor Bill's preconception.
This is how humanity normally works, we create routines and choose to live within those routines in order to keep larger parts of our lives uncomplicated; and when something disrupts that routine the effects can range from mild to devastating. For instance, Joe didn't arrive that night because he was in a car accident and died. Friday suddenly is a lost routine; something Bill will want to continue doing, but cannot. Death is just one of many situations that will leave a devastating effect behind.
In another case where preconception becomes a more severe problem, a child Jill, is outside playing. While outside she encounters a honey bee for the first time; curious, she tries to play with the bee. It feels threatened and stings her. Now Jill relates bees with pain, and that can be a difficult preconception to deal with; especially if she chooses to avoid bees for the remainder of her life.
This is a case where balance and understanding are necessary. We as humans, cannot leave our preconceptions at the door and experience each day with fresh eyes. We would never manage to get out of bed. However, we need to be constantly open to the idea of the exception. The world will try to trip us up over the course of our lives; we need to be able to recognize and deal with the fact that the world is much larger than we perceive it to be.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 6
“Alright guys, remember we're here to get more supplies. Now these are a technologically unadvanced people. Tech designed the clothing to suit the area and...” Jato stopped talking as Pah's clothes were burning in a pile nearby; she was now only covered by the skin-tight material of our normal suits.
“Pah we need to be incognito.”
“I'm not wearing those clothes. I can't move in them, and I certainly can't fight in them.”
“Pah...” Tech came on over the communicator. “If you wear the dress, I'll double your rations for the week and let you have the first fresh steak when it comes in.”
“Deal.” Within another few moments a red gown grew out of the suit. She seemed agitated, but didn't rip at it. I nodded over to Jato and we left out little back ally into the village proper.
“Now remember, keep things civil. We want these people's help.” Jato whispered back as he adjusted his suit. I just nodded, and shifted my helm to block the sun. It wasn't long before we spotted a group of guards and made our way over to them.
“Ho there! Visitors? Were you checked through the gate?” The largest of the men asked, he was wearing silver plate armor and a gold-rimmed cape; he seemed to be the captain.
“Uh, yes. We've from a nearby village. We've come to discuss a trade agreement with the King.” The man looked us over then turned to his companions.
“Take them to the dungeons.”
“I don't know how spies got past our gates, but the only nearby village is at war with us. Take them away.”
“The woman as well?” One of the guards asked, grabbing Pah's arm.
“Put her in a room, under watch.” As she was dragged away from the two of us Jato turned towards her.
“Don't do anything!” He yelled as she vanished from sight.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Page 17 of the Comic
Yes comics are now a Thursday thing.
While I'm at it, Saturday should have something interesting go up (unless I don't finish it, in which case it'll be a story chapter)
I'm working slowly on editing Dimensional Warriors, and have thought that for the new version maybe people would like a download. If anyone has info on how this might be accomplished please let me know.
Finally, STUFF Reviews will be up on Tuesday and after our prior virgin attempt I feel like the second one is turning out much better. I'll be putting up a release schedule for that in the forums soon.
While I'm at it, Saturday should have something interesting go up (unless I don't finish it, in which case it'll be a story chapter)
I'm working slowly on editing Dimensional Warriors, and have thought that for the new version maybe people would like a download. If anyone has info on how this might be accomplished please let me know.
Finally, STUFF Reviews will be up on Tuesday and after our prior virgin attempt I feel like the second one is turning out much better. I'll be putting up a release schedule for that in the forums soon.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 5
“Thankfully, Jato's mission was a bit more successful than Neko's.” Tech was debriefing us in the meeting hall. “We now have a stable supply of meats, dairies, and some fruits. It's not as much as we could have hoped for, but I'm sure there will be more than enough for everyone. Well... Except Pah. Which reminds me.” He turned to Pah. “You're limited to three servings a day. Once we have the upper floors stabilized we will see about increasing that amount.” Pah slumped down in her chair and Tech continued.
“Now, I almost have full control over the dimensional portals, in another day or two I should be able to not only set you guys down on a planet, but scan the planets beforehand. To that end, I've developed a carry pouch using extra-dimensional space. It can carry pretty much anything, and I've loaded each pouch with a length of rope, two weeks dried rations, a sleeping bag, a tent, a flashlight, and some matches. That should cover most situations. Be warned, you'll still feel the weight of everything in these pouches; so don't put too much in there.” Donare then stepped forward.
“It is good to see you are almost ready to pick up where my generation left off. I will be leaving you soon.”
“What?” Donare held up his hand.
“My body is too frail for the fight. If I stayed I would most likely be captured again. No, I will be taking a route many of the other immortals took.” He pointed to a statue of an elderly man in the corner. “This is Ediscere, he was trapped here during the last raid, and to protect himself he preformed the preservation ritual. He will remain like this until the Gods gather once more. I will be taking him to the Dimensional Core, where the other elder wait. The barriers prevent Gods from going through without becoming a statue in the process, so I will not be returning. I leave you with this device we used to mark ourselves and those who defended us.” He placed a gauntlet down on the table and walked to the far wall.
“When you are ready.” Tech said, tapping a few buttons on his arm, a portal appeared revealing a golden field of grass; an enormous tower resting in the distance.
“Fair well, we will be watching over you. We will be waiting for your success.” With that he passed through and the portal closed behind him. Silence fell over the room for a few minutes, before Tech lifted the gauntlet and placed it over his good hand.
“I guess it is true then. He has passed the Blade down to Pahhur.” Asuka said, breaking our silence.
“Well, that's all well and good, but Pah isn't a leader. She'll be invaluable when we fight Avarus, but otherwise I think we need to decide the leadership.” Metudo said.
“My order commands me to follow the Blade. I will do just that.” Asuka said defiantly. “Even if the owner happens to be an imbecile.”
“Hey, all I want to do is kick Avarus' ass and go home. I'm not cut out for the details.” Pah said.
“Indeed.” Metudo said and turned to the group at large. “I would suggest we divide the labor. Some of us are more suited to lead than others, and even there some of us are more suited to particular roles. I know I am a capable leader, as is Neko and Tech.”
“Hang on, let's not forget that the people's revolt was your fault.” Jato said, pointing down Metudo.
“It's not my fault, I couldn't keep my powers in check. It's under control now.”
“People, please. I can handle all the technical stuff.” Tech said, trying to calm the group. “The way I see it, we need three teams. One to stay here, and two to be out and about getting stuff done. To that end, Jato, Neko and Metudo will be leading those groups. I will assign people as I see fit, since I will be the one checking out the planetary schematics.”
“I'm fine with that.” Pah said and turned to Asuka. “I'll pass any ritual leadership to those three. Just follow their commands.” She sighed, but didn't say anything.
“So it's settled. Now, in the time it took you guys to argue I figured out this thing.” Tech said, holding up his right arm. “It's actually very simple in design. It generates these pads” He held out a small circular patch, no larger than two inches in diameter. “This bonds to a person's skin and immediately provides clothing and protection for the person. I'll test the limits of that protection, but right now I can tell it's extremely durable.” As he spoke he handed each of us one of the pads. I didn't hesitate, and in seconds the rags that were my old shirt and jeans vanished. In its place was a nearly skin tight cloth featuring a predominately green motif.
As things wrapped up, a thought occurred to me, I turned to the others.
“One thing. Our last encounter with people, well... I didn't enjoy being treated like a God. We can still die, we still age, we just have a lot of power. We need a new title.” I could see a few people nodding slowly as they thought about it. “So I was thinking, we're fighting in a war. The only thing that makes sense is calling ourselves Warriors.”
Monday, May 21, 2012
Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 1
Sorry for not putting this up in the blog. Chapter has been up here!
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 4
The portal closed behind us, leaving a view of almost endless unkempt grass; except for one point in the distance, what looked like an urban sprawl. With no other good direction to go in, we headed for town.
The city was sparsely populated, and the few people on the streets turned away from us on sight. Grime and nature had already begun to reclaim large parts of the town. We spotted a building that looked something like a capital building.
We wandered around inside until someone yelled at us.
“Who are you! What business do you have here!” We turned to see a woman rushing towards us. Her suit was tattered in places, and her hair seemed slicked down with grime; however she walked with authority as she came to a stop. “Foreigners? You're not from our world are you? No I haven't heard of anyone recovering yet.”
“We're... Donare sent us.”
“Nice try, but you will have to do better than a child's story, now where did you come from?” I hesitated, trying to think of how to best deal with this. Metudo spoke up.
“You're not going to believe us unless we give you proof. So I'm going to make this really quick. Pahhur, light that table on fire.”
“Can do!” She said and with a flick of her wrist a burst of fire hit the table which lit amazingly quickly. The woman was now cowering away as Metudo bore in on her.
“We are the Gods of old, we've been restored to our former strength and are here to request supplies again in exchange for protection.” She was slowly recovering from her shock and standing again.
“Forgive me for doubting, it's been a long time since I saw someone use magic.” Metudo leaned in on me.
“She still doesn't believe we are who we say we are.”
“I would love to cut a deal if possible, unfortunately our civilization has been in decline for the last two generations.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“The planet entered an ice age. The only way our little part of the world survived is because we were on the equator. There's enough sun to keep us warm enough; some food still grows, but barely enough to sustain a large population. Pretty much all that's left here is probably the last bits of grass on the planet, and a handful of old codgers that refuse to leave. So you see, we have nothing to offer you, and I'm sure you'll only find worse conditions if you look elsewhere on this planet.” With that she waved us out of the building, the three of us clustered together.
“Well this is a lost cause.” Metudo muttered.
“Yeah, these people aren't going to make it much longer.” Pah said.
“Can we help them somehow?” I asked, Metudo thought for a moment.
“I don't see how, if the planet hit an ice age, it's just part of the natural cycle. Without knowing how this planet works or where to go to solve the problem anything we did do would probably just make matters worse.” Metudo said.
“Maybe if we could get Tech to make an analysis.” Pah said. “We might be able to help them. I mean, with our powers, something like this can't be completely out of reach, right?”
“Unfortunately, it might be Pah.” Metudo said. “On Earth the North Atlantic Current was pretty much the determiner as to when the planet froze. Here we can't tell if they even have an ocean. It could take years to run a survey.”
“But what if we hit the problem at the source?” I asked. “If we got Zephos here, he might be able to convert the carbon dioxide into something else. The planet would still take a few years to recover, but at least we wouldn't be dooming these people.”
“I guess that might work.” Metudo said. “Let's get in touch with Tech and run the plan past him.”
I pulled the small device Tech had given me out of my pocket and headed back towards the building.
“Excuse me!” I called in; and soon the woman was poking her head out. “We might be able to help.” I quickly explained the plan to her. We set up the device in the center of the capital building and soon a new hole was opened to the base.
“Well that didn't take very long.” Tech said, poking his head through. “Literally, I just sent you lot off. Any faster and the portal wouldn't have closed.” He stepped through. “So I'm assuming we can rely on your support?” He said turning to the woman who had identified herself as Tasha.
“Uh Tech, these people are suffering an ice age right now.” I said.
“So you guys need to get back here then?”
“Tech, we're going to help them.” He considered for a moment.
“Neko, we can't afford the amount of time that would take.”
“We could use Zephos to clean up the atmosphere. It wouldn't be an immediate solution, but it would speed up the process.” He thought, then sighed.
“Alright, I'll go get him. But you guys better hope the other team has better luck getting supplies than you guys. Soon we'll be eating the rocks.”
A few minutes later Zephos was set up in some sort of contraption and sent up. Tech said all Zephos had to do was power the device and take it up. It would be able to do the rest from there.
Tasha was very grateful, and Tech had Lark produce some seeds to hand over to the people here. She said as soon as they had a surplus they would start sending supplies to us; and so we left.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 3
Over the next week everyone worked together to rebuild the castle. The corridors were cleaned, the outer walls rebuilt as well as a tower, which served as a lightning rod. A semi-circle of columns were built outside, connected by stone arches. Tech designed them to channel energy and create a form of barrier, should we ever come under attack. Despite dwindling food supplies, there was a sense of safety that I hadn't felt since Avarus' initial attack.
“I've found a solution to our dwindling food supplies.” Donare had called us to the meeting room. “When this base was active originally, we became active traders with several other worlds. We offered security and neutral trading grounds for many worlds, and in exchange we were provided food and resources.”
“Why couldn't we grow our own here? It's a lush planet.” Lark said.
“We usually did, but in our prime we had an army numbering in the millions; this planet is barely a day's walk all the way around; thus the shortness of the day. There is simply not enough room to support ourselves.”
“That's reckless.” Metudo said.
“Yes, however this planet offers several natural defenses against Avarus. Which is why we decided to station our base here. Though he knows where we are, it will take him a lot of time and energy to break through; even with our defenses as weak as they are.”
“So we've got to basically find people to trade with.” Pah said.
“I was going through our records, looking for worlds unaffected by Avarus. I have found one; a good source of vegetation, which should provide plenty of grains to tide us over.”
“That's a start.” Tech said, before turning to the rest of us. “I'm working on stabilizing the computer systems here. Once those are online, I should be able to reliably find other worlds we can open portals to. Now, I need to tell you guys something. Avarus is going to be actively trying to corrupt as many worlds as he can. I will be trying to watch for his influence and send you guys to those hotspots; its up to you to not only stop him, but promote growth of the other elements.”
“So, go, beat up Avarus and help people. Got it.” Pah said as she got up. Tech turned to me.
“Keep an eye on her. You know nothing will be that simple.” I nodded and moved to follow Pah.
We went down the main hall and entered a large set of doors. Inside was a large white orb, pulsing with energy. It consumed the bulk of the room, only a small walkway extended out towards it. Tech entered an adjoining room as Metudo came up behind us.
“Establishing connection. Reconfiguring to ground level. Opening portal.” Energy surged off the orb, striking the walkway; in a flash there was a portal hovering in the air; a large field extended out into the distance. Pah excitedly hopped through, and we followed along.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fan Fiction Update: Into the Maw End
The end of Into the Maw for the Fan Fiction version. A warning it isn't a pleasant end.
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 2
“We gather here today to honor those that have been lost to us.” It had been two days since we arrived, we knew Raven and Vyrse hadn't made it, but we could only assume what happened to Marcus. I sat, looking over the graveyard as it extended on into the horizon. Donare finally ended by placing a blessing over the newest three empty graves. Pah and Thorium began filling the small holes and the group began to leave. Syndil just stood and watched, her face hidden behind a mask of crinkled skin and greasy fluid. Seth touched my arm lightly.
“I know... I can never replace what I took. But I am willing to do whatever it take to stop him. I can't let him do this to someone else.” I nodded, letting him slip away as I sat down.
Finally, the graves filled, Pah sat next to me; her face white despite the dirt.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“It's my fault. I should never have let them come along.”
“Well, they wanted to right? They knew what was at stake, probably better than we did.”
“Still, We knew Avarus wanted us alive. Even in the worst case, we would survive. To him, normal people like those three, were expendable. They shouldn't have come.”
“And if they hadn't, what then? We'd have been stopped at the door. If Avarus hadn't had to divert resources to stop them, he might have been able to hold us. You know what he would have done after he took our powers.”
“So you're just going to write them off as necessary sacrifices? For the greater good?” Pah looked out over the field.
“How many do you think there are out there?” She said.
“Too many.”
“Do you think they didn't sacrifice? That they didn't do this because they wanted to?”
“No, but they shouldn't have to.”
“I agree, they shouldn't. But Avarus hasn't given us much of a choice.”
“I don't want to involve innocent people.”
“Well, bring that up with him next time he's decimating the population of a planet. I'm sure you can reach an agreement.”
“He's after us, why does he have to bring other people into this?” Pah just sighed.
“I was talking to Tech. Our powers, and how much we can use, is tied directly to our element. The more our element exists in nature, the more powerful we are. For most of us, this is an easy task, our elements exist in abundance. For people like Avarus though, he has to work at it. He has to press his will onto people to continue to grow stronger. This fight involves them as much as it does us.”
“So how does that explain the genocides?”
“Well, technically we were already beaten, and in hiding at that point. The way Tech put it, Avarus was just taking the quickest route to find us. Now that the other Gods are reunited, he will probably start using other tactics.”
“So its our fault again.”
“We didn't ask for this Neko. No one did. But we've got to deal with the hand we're given.” Pah stood up and left.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 1
“My name is Seth... I killed my counterpart, Vyrse. I apologize.” We had regrouped on the other side of the portal, night had fallen and several of us were still asleep, but we still needed to make sure we were safe; the first step to that was making sure this man wasn't our enemy. “You have no idea what Mas... Avarus does to us. When he catches us, he instills a desire in our bodies; we have to kill.”
“Then I guess there is no reason to keep you with us.” Syndil said.
“Please! I have done my deed, the urge is gone as is Avarus' power over me. He is a... dangerous person to work with. The only reason I'm still alive is because all of you distracted him. Almost as soon as Vyrse was dead Avarus captured me and began draining my own energy for himself.” Syndil moved to attack, but I held her.
“Is there any information you could give us, something to prove that you aren't under his control anymore?” I asked. He seemed to think.
“I can tell you what I know. He creates shadows by removing people out of time-lines. That alone instills a natural upset, he then amplifies that into a killing desire. Once that control is in place, he forces the body to mature to its peak combat capabilities before setting it out as a weapon. I was a merchant in my time. I wouldn't hurt an insect, much less a human... I couldn't stop myself... I'm sorry...” I sat down, choosing not to watch the man break down.
“Well that is something at least.” Tech said. “I'll look into the nature of these time-lines. I'll need a lab though.”
“That leaves us with two other people we need to look over.” I said, turning towards the elderly man and a thin girl Pah had found. She was still unconscious, so I focused on the man.
“Please, I trust them.” Pah said, sitting away from us.
“I just have some questions.”
“As you should.” The man spoke. “I am Donare, God of Selflessness. Pahhur freed me from Avarus' imprisonment.”
“Why didn't he just steal your energy and kill you?”
“All I have is a theory. Our two energies are naturally opposing forces, it's likely that he could not take my power without risking his own destruction.”
“And the girl?”
“She is the natural heir to the power of Immortality, which Avarus stole so long ago. Pahhur's assault seems to have restored that energy to her body, which would be why she has been unconscious.”
“Okay, so where are we then?” The old man smiled.
“We were on Avarus' home, a planet comprised of Selfish energies. Now we are on my home planet, probably a few hours away from my old base of operations, where our untied front fought Avarus for trillions of years.”
“We should let them rest for now.” The girl had gotten up without my noticing. She was looking over Thorium. “I... I'm sorry. My name is Cassandra.” She bowed quietly and began placing her fingers along the wounds Thorium had sustained. As she did the cuts sealed up.
“Immortal energies are the most basic of healing magic. They stimulate the genetic code, forcing the body to rapidly return to its normal state. It's particularly effective on the Gods, whose bodies are constantly trying to retain their form.” Donare said. “We will leave in the morning, which should be in a few hours. A day is only fifteen hours on this planet.”
Sure enough daylight came too soon, but at least everyone was able to stand on their own power. And roughly an hour later we reached an open field of grass, in the distance was an enormous cliff face. Set into that rock wall was a temple, overgrown with time. It stretched outwards, creating a courtyard with irrigation channels that still had some clear water trickling along the paths.
Inside we were met with a grand hall, a large stairway claimed one side of the room, with large doors on both floors. Further steps leading down were off to either side. The sun filtered in through a stained glass window that left a symbol glittering along the walls; consisting of twenty-three points in a circular pattern.
“Now, let's get the tour out of the way. There is probably still some preserved food in the storage rooms which can be accessed through the cafeteria on this floor. As well this floor contains the meeting hall, lounge and public baths. The upper floor consists of the training rooms and armory. The basement contains the living quarters and library.” Donare said really quickly.
“Well I heard food. So I know where I'm headed.” Pah said, running off.
“I'll go get the power turned on then.” Donare said, and wandered off.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Page 16 of the Comic
A little late but here it is. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
S.T.U.F.F. Reviews: Ranma 1/2 Episode 1
Ted Selden and I have been working hard to get this ready. There should be more on the way, hopefully one a week, but there may be necessary breaks here and there.
Images from opening are taken from:
Star Trek: Next Generation
Star Wars
Mass Effect
Resident Evil
Transformers vs. Avengers
Star Trek: Enterprise
Batman and Robin
Lord of the Rings
Sonic the Hedgehog
Dragonball Z
Images from opening are taken from:
Star Trek: Next Generation
Star Wars
Mass Effect
Resident Evil
Transformers vs. Avengers
Star Trek: Enterprise
Batman and Robin
Lord of the Rings
Sonic the Hedgehog
Dragonball Z
Monday, May 14, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw End
The pit was consumed in light and heat, the table splintered into pieces, the shadow vanished, and we were all flung clear out of the hole. I shook off the last strands of rope as it vanished into the air and dashed back to the pit, now lit like a bonfire. Inside I saw Pah pushing towards the dark skin-like floor of the pit. Below her, it began to move, opening into an enormous eye, the fire became tinted black; as I watched I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Behind me was an elderly looking man, unbearably thin and wearing rags.
“Come, we're going to make a way out of here. Tech!” He half turned to his companions, Tech and Syndil. I heard footsteps heading towards us. A man, his face was just like Vyrse's. He seemed to be fleeing.
“I don't know what you guys did, but you freed me! Thank you!” He fell to his knees in front of us.
“What is going on?” I yelled, trying to get someone's attention.
“There isn't much time now Neko. I have no clue how long Pah can distract Avarus. Thankfully Donare has a way out for us.” Tech was working furiously as he talked. “Get the others up, wake up who you can. We need to get out of this place.” The ground shook suddenly, a noiseless voice filled the cave; as if cursing the very fabric of existence. The fire behind us became a dark black, and Pah was shot out of the hole. She tumbled to a halt, holding another girl with her. With only a moment's hesitation, she set the girl down and ran back towards the hole, blades drawn.
I jumped and tackled her down.
“Neko! Let me go!” I glanced behind me and saw a portal opened, sunlight was pouring in.
“Sorry, we're going. I'm not leaving you here alone!” I lifted her struggling form into the air and dragged her through the open portal, into the sun.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw Chapter 28
My feet skidded against the slick ground as I came to a stop. Bodies were everywhere, I hastily began checking people over. The worst were unconscious, some of them were even shakily getting to their feet. I helped Leukos back to his feet, wincing from my own wounds. Then I saw him, the only corpse on the ground. Vyrse's head was barely recognizable, but there he laid; a crumpled husk. My mind tried to reconcile the image, then it turned back to the only thing I had met down here. It was standing some distance away, grinning at us, again shaped like a genderless winged creature; but I knew the truth. I charged.
It stopped my first blow easily, still smiling down at me.
“Apparently you still have plenty of energy. Please, let me make this easy for you.” I saw the strike coming and shrunk my body down to avoid it; then almost as quickly I let muscle ripple through my free arm and sent that crashing down on my opponent's exposed arm. I felt bone crumble. It pulled away from me; favoring it's now limp arm. It's body shifted again, the arm vanishing along with the other limbs, left only with a serpentine body it moved to constrict me. I shifted, then it did. I was soon lost in a flurry of flesh, fur, feather and scale; reacting purely on instinct to stay a step ahead of my opponent.
As the others came towards me, I stood triumphant; the creature's form, now serpentine, was crushed under my heel. It had stopped moving a long time ago. I turned to the group, emotionally scarred, physically exhausted, and bodily wounded. The cold ground would do nothing good to us.
“I think it's time we talked to our host.” I said, motioning for the others to follow as I returned to the gaping hole I had been shown earlier.
I slowly lowered myself down, but was surprised when my feet seemed to touch the ground several feet above the black skin below. The others watched on from above as I wandered the edges of the pit.
“Neko Persia. Genetic Goddess. Why have you and yours assaulted my home?” I looked around to try and find the source of the voice.
“Why did you trap us here, then try to kill us?” I finally answered back to the air.
“You attacked my doorman. The automatic defenses were triggered.”
“Is that why you killed Vyrse? Is that justified?”
“Above lay my protectors bodies, work that has been in progress since this planet's conception, all undone and laid to waste. So here you stand. What is it you came here for?”
“We just want out of this place.”
“I might be able to arrange something. For a price. My allies have been decimated, destroyed, and while you have lost two as well, that is not nearly enough...”
“Yes, my doorman defeated your champion, moments later he was killed by the girl Syndil.” I knelt to the invisible ground. “Come, sit. We have much to discuss.” A triangular table filled the pit, and with a pulse of energy the others were dragged down to seats. At one end an enshrouded figure seemed to sit. I found myself placed in a chair as well.
“Is Syndil alright?” I asked, swallowing my grief.
“Yes, the upper floors are mostly cleared of danger now, thanks to your lot.” The voice seemed to come from the figure now. The others were uncannily quiet.
“What about Pah?”
“The Temperature Goddess? She is still a few floors up, she is also fine.”
“What price would it take to let us go? Safely.”
“Your powers.”
“What!” I tried to stand, but couldn't find the strength to.
“My home is left without protection. The only thing you have that is equatable to my own losses is the gifts bestowed upon you.”
“But that would kill us.”
“That is a falsehood. The method I use to extract these gifts leaves the host very much alive. As well I could restore the damages done to your bodies at that point, perhaps even restore your lost companion's lives. Or more.”
“But that would be...”
“That would be fulfilling a prophecy a long time coming. When the energies of creation return to one place, life will begin anew. I merely wish to bring about a peaceful existence.” My mind was fogging over slowly. I groggily looked over at Thorium, seated to my right. He seemed perfectly fine, then for a moment I saw dark ropes, binding and gagging him. I blinked a few times until I could see the ropes again, then tried to get up to free him. My own hands were tied as well.
“Come now, I will get what I want whether you cooperate or not. Don't make me have to repeat the sins of my past.” I felt the bonds encircling my face as I struggled to break free, but I had fought too hard, for too long. With a final pull I was forced back into the chair. The figure began moving slowly around us, then a blazing light and heat appeared from above.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw Chapter 27
I flew for what felt like hours, even with the boiling fluid below giving me some lift, I was tiring by the time I found what I was looking for. A gaping hole in the floor, leading down into blackness. I circled, intent on finding the others when a force dragged me down; my body reasserted itself into human form as I plummeted into that darkness.
I hit the icy floor hard, not as hard as I expected to, but enough to leave bruises. I heard footsteps approaching and scrambled to get footing on the ice. A winged being approached me, it emitted an unearthly light as it went.
“Welcome. Please, take a seat. The Master will be with you shortly.” It spoke. However too many things down here tried to kill us, I wasn't about to let my guard down. “I understand your hostility. It must have been a long journey to make it past all of our defenses. In truth it has been a very long time since anyone arrived here uninvited. The last one left me with a very decent scar.”
“What does Avarus want with us?” I asked as I kept a safe distance.
“He wishes for reunion.”
“Our defenses are simply to prevent the Master's untimely death while he is unable to defend himself.”
“I doubt that.”
“Every fifty years the Master must hibernate in order to preserve his youth. Here, I will take you to him.”
“What about my friends, up above?”
“They will be attended to. Trust me, the last thing the Master wishes is for your deaths.” I followed the creature to another pit, this one had a visible bottom, and looked more like a cave than a hole. “Careful, gravity is much stronger down here, while he is hibernating he replaces the planet's core.” I looked closer, there was almost a glistening black skin along the bottom of the pit. I felt a stabbing pain spread from my shoulder.
“I apologize. You cannot meet him as you are.” I turned, the creature's body had changed, it had a blood red coat of fur and steadied itself on cloven legs. “Your friends should be joining us soon.” As it spoke the ceiling caved in, and I could see the others falling along with the remains of some form of creature. I struggled to go catch them, but the glowing figure stopped me.
“The fall will not kill them.” I pushed this creature aside, but it grabbed my arm. “They are not fit to meet the Master yet.” I grabbed its arm back and spun it once before launching it out of my way. The others had already hit the ground however, I ran to the landing sight.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Sorry Folks
Dimensional Warriors will be hopefully back up on Friday. It's finals week and I am so beat the best my brain is capable of is a combination of fart noises and violence.
Hopefully I'll be able to rectify that by tomorrow. If not I have Friday off, so I'll get something up then, even if I have to stay up to do it.
Hopefully I'll be able to rectify that by tomorrow. If not I have Friday off, so I'll get something up then, even if I have to stay up to do it.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Page 15 of the Comic
Here's page 15! At least we had these done before hand.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Fan Fiction Update: Part 6
I guess I missed updating with a link to five, well it's all in the same place. Here's the link for 6.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw Chapter 26
I will always carry the memory of that day with me. The guilt. And the Relief.
I strode out proudly onto the icy field of the Master's final floor. Our forces were already responding to the sudden systems failure on the higher floors. My blood beat in my head. I had been released to preform my duty. The thought of that man, my shadow, made my muscles tense with anticipation. I hoped this would be easy.
I moved slowly, to avoid catching attention, weaving through the frozen stalagmites. I gripped my gun hilt slowly, I heard steps nearby. The gunman Vyrse had been transported to the ninth floor for processing when the failure occurred. Master couldn't allow him to walk away unhindered.
I caught sight of him. I leveled my aim, but had to respond immediately to a shot fired at me.
“Come out of hiding.” He said, turning towards me. I couldn't help but smile, I could almost taste his blood in my mouth as I stepped out of my cover. He watched me carefully; his gun aimed steadily at my heart. “Well that was easy.” He fired twice, I used the metal of my hilt to stop the bullets and responded with my own shots. He was already out of sight.
“Afraid?” I said as I walked into the clear. I knew he was tracing me, just following me, waiting for the right shot. I needed to give him what he wanted. Then I heard the click of his trigger, and responded accordingly. My speed, enhanced through Master's power, placed me almost right under him. Within seconds my barrel was pressed to his neck. He looked down at me, his eyes dancing in the light; daring me. I hesitated, torn between watching this man's death and fulfilling my lust. He began moving and in a flash I pulled the trigger, turning away as his fluids showered my body.
I felt a release, such as I have never felt before, and possibly will never feel again; as if at once my soul had fled my body and become whole. I collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed with emotion.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw Chapter 25
Odin managed to close off the stairs, I could still sense people above us, but they were much further away and we had enough problems as things stood. I turned to Asuka.
“What was that thing?” She just shrugged.
“Did you see Vyrse, Tech or Pah up there?”
“Pah was with me when we woke up. She wanted to go crawling into some sort of vent, I explained my opposition then left her to climb around in the dust on her own.”
“Well, at least we know she's probably safer than the rest of us.” Neko said before turning back out to the lake in front of us.
“I'm going to assume we still need to go down.” She said. “So any ideas?” There was a little groaning as Anatos and Thorium finally woke up.
“Where am I?” Anatos was blinking rapidly. “Everyone?” I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Most of us, yeah; we could probably use your help too.” I said. I pointed to the pool below. “Think you could move it?”
“It's not water.”
“Well its some sort of liquid, you should be able to do something.”
“Even if I could, I don't think I have the strength.”
“If I had some materials I might be able to make some sort of boat.” Thorium said.
“I've got it.” Neko said. “Odin, how much strength do you have left?”
“I can still go on a bit longer.”
“Alright, I'm going to fly out and see if there is a clear way down, afterward Odin can make a walkway using the roof.” Odin pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement.
“I'll rest up fer your return.”
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Dimensional Warriors: Into the Maw Chapter 24
I tried to bandage Thorium's wounds, but most of them were far too deep; as I worked I tried to recall what Tech had told us. I remembered Pah's wounds and how Tech healed her. I muttered to myself as a realization came to me. I stood up and scoured the room. Every bit of metal I could find I placed on top of a wound, each scrap and piece I slowly laid onto Thorium's body.
Even as I worked, I could hear Solarus approaching. My mind began racing, looking for something, some way to survive. I felt Neko's mind come closer to mine, her thoughts pouring into my head. All at once I tried to reverse the flow, to pour myself into her. I sent my desperation and anxiety.
I collapsed from the effort required, all I could do was hope. I heard voices outside, the walls shook. Then I Leukos filled my vision before I passed out.
I woke up sometime later, I was being carried.
“I think he's awake.” Odin's voice was pounding in my ears. I was being shifted to my feet and my vision finally cleared up. I spotted Anatos slumped over Odin's shoulder.
“What happened to you guys?”
“Lot's of things. It looks like you two took a beating too.” Neko said. She shifted Thorium in a more comfortable position before continuing to carry him. I then looked at our surroundings, we were no longer in the sterile halls, instead we were in a hall made up of cells. I looked into one of the barred off rooms, there rested bones and blood. I tried to reach out, feel for the others. I could sense five other people on the floor, four of them were some distance away, but one was rapidly closing in on us.
“We've got someone approaching us.” I alerted everyone, and the group paused. We could hear the sound of footfalls running towards us. A few seconds later, an unearthly howling filled the air. I tried to block the sound, but it felt like my head was filled with fluid. It stopped and I blinked rapidly to clear my eyes. I saw Asuka rushing towards us.
“Guys!” She called out as soon as she recognized us. “Run!” She didn't even pause and belted right past the lot of us. A few seconds later an enormous beast glided into view. It seemed reptilian, as its black scales glistened in the low light.
“Come on!” Neko called back, already halfway down the hall. “We can't fight here!” I began chasing after her, not too soon either as the ground behind me burst into flames.
“Up ahead! I see stairs!” Odin called out. We turned, and half tripped down, the creature swooped right past us, gliding into the air of the floor below. The stair however, never reached the floor. Neko barely managed to stop us before we went over. The room was a cavern in all directions. The floor below was coated in a boiling puce liquid. The monster swiveled around, aiming at us again.
“I'm guessing we can fight better here?” I said.
“Do you have any energy left?” Neko asked me. I felt for the little bit I had left and nodded. “Good, throw a wall in front of it.” I nearly hit myself for being so dumb as I did exactly as she said. There was a dull thunk, and the creature fell into the liquid below, becoming bones in a matter of seconds.
“Well. I think we can take a rest here.” Leukos said, sitting down.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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