Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 14


Sorry for the lateness, I've been having some personal issues to deal with, Comic should be up tomorrow. Will either have a Webs or a video up later this week. Haven't decided yet.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 8


Took a while to finish that story arc, if anyone has suggestions about future places the Warriors should go feel free to say so either here in the comments or at the forums!

Main Story should be up sometime tomorrow.

Friday, July 27, 2012

S.T.U.F.F. Reviews: Midnight Kiss

First I want to apologize for the random jump cuts, either something happened to the footage or to my compiler. Either way there is nothing I can do to fix it, and trust me, I've tried everything. And yes, we say "cut to" a lot, but that's really the only accurate description as the movie keeps violently cutting to the next scene.

This was so bad there were even a few things I forgot to put in, in hopes that I could start forgetting about this movie sooner. The movie is completely unorganized, they keep jumping around, there is almost no semblance of logical progression. The only actor worth a damn is the Captain, and he has so little screen time there is no hope to save this movie. And yes I managed to compress the plot of this monstrosity down to eight minutes, it was that bad.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Page 26 of the Comic

Just a reminder, these go up on the comic's own site at midnight. I post them here sometime during the day, whenever I remember to. But they are available earlier at http://dimensionalwarriors.thecomicseries.com/

Continuing work on the review today, hopefully I won't need too much therapy when this is over.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 13


Sorry for the delay, this segment is getting a bit tough to write. Partially since I'm officially in content that I only have a very rough sketch for, and partially due to my own emotional state.

But I'll keep pushing through, I'm going to try and finish the ever-promised review, but I'm going to stop promising dates and just work on muscling my way through that.

However I can promise Wednesday's comic, which should be up in 23 hours.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 7


Coming to an end with the current Ranma storyline. It's been a long one, but its had to be. I'd like to direct people to the forums for this occasion, since once this is over I have no real plans for where the Warriors should head next. I of course have ideas of places to go, but I'd like to open the floor to suggestion. Either in the forums or here in the comments. Let me know, any place, world, time. It's fan fiction for a reason, and that reason is to have fun.

On a different note, editing the video has been ridiculously slow. Between my laptop only barely being able to handle the program and the movie being one of the worst wastes of space I have ever seen, the final editing process is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. So I'm taking a break today to make sure the Fan Fiction and Main story chapters come up today and tomorrow respectively. Then it'll be back to hell with me. Wednesday a comic will of course be up, since we had those done beforehand. Just a few more weeks until Ted returns.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Page 25 of the Comic

Page 25!

I really need to fix my sleep schedule. Last night was the second night in a row that I went to bed as the sun was rising...

Oh well, I'm going to be working full time on the review for the next few days, here's hoping!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 12

Chapter 12!

God, writing speech for nobles is exhausting. But hey here's a new chapter where Moot gets to show off some of his many skills.

Sorry updates have been coming in so slow lately, I've been a little preoccupied. I'm still hoping to be done with the review by the end of the week, so look forward to that!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 6

In the usual place.

Sorry it took so long to update, but trying to keep a house clean by yourself is actually very time consuming as well as taxing. I'm going to try and get a Main story chapter out today or tomorrow. Comic will definitely be out Wednesday as always, and I've got the materials to finish the review, so hopefully I can get that done by the end of the week.

All while juggling three tables and trying to not die of heat stroke. Have a great summer everyone! And try to keep frosty!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Page 24 of the Comic

Here's the reminder, Page 24 went up today!
The desktop is pretty much loaded and ready to go, with a new card and everything. I'm just trying to get Pinnacle on it, but I lost my serial number...

Gonna try and get a Webs up by Friday. Look for it!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 5


This thing has evolved in so many ways that I wasn't expecting it to. It's doing a great job helping me round out my main characters (some of which might get applied to future drafts of the main story) Otherwise everything has been fairly quiet. Gonna try and get a Webs of Nature out soon. Unless Ted gets me the movie so I can rip footage. Then I'm walking into hell and chewing my legs off so I can beat Satan with them.

You heard me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Page 23 of the Comic

Sorry I took so long putting up the reminder, 23 pages and still going!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 11

Yeah it's time to get back into the swing of things. Here's the next chapter of Dimensional Warriors, where the group is taking a brief break from adventuring. In particular, Moot.

Moot and the Deadly Bath

(Chapters might not always have names)
Gonna try out this, but I'm now stuck between doing a Webs of Nature or a Fan Fic update. Guess I'll leave that all important decision for later.


A little treat

Alright, so, I've been thinking of using download links to keep running Dimensional Warriors. I'm sure it would be much more comfortable for everyone if they can use their own document readers. This is different than releasing draft 8. This is literally the chapters I posted up already, copypasted into one document I'll release draft 8 of the previous chapters in due time. As well there isn't any new chapters in these downloads, so if you've been keeping up with the chapters there is nothing new here. I'll be releasing a download for the newest chapter soon.

Also these are all going to be word documents.

Dimensional Warriors Part 2: Battle Beneath the Tower
Dimensional Warriors Part 3: Into the Maw
Dimensional Warriors Part 4: The Return (Inprogress)

Day in Review (6/30/12)

Alright, there's been a bit of a hiccup over here. I finished half of the editing (Literally getting the Wolf + Badger stuff set up the way I wanted it) and I settled in to sync the movie to the voices and I found out that the video footage is absolutely destroyed. Apparently the device I used to record the video lagged on one end, which makes the footage do this weird slow down the sudden speed up thing. It also removed almost all of the sound (Which is honestly an improvement on the movie.)

So until Ted can get the disc back here and I figure out a new way of getting the video footage (I already tried downloading it online, no dice) I'm stuck having to move on. Which means I'll try to get a Main Story update done tonight or tomorrow, followed by whatever I feel like doing. Stay tuned folks!