Friday, June 29, 2012

Day in Review (6/29/12)

Not much today, but there was a particularly funny Nodwick comic today.

Nodwick is normally incredibly funny, with the story revolving around a D&Desqe group and their adventures through the land. Most of that centers on the group's henchman Nodwick who spends most of each storyline dead or about to be dead. Unless he's being digested. This one is a very good comic to get a taste for the story, but I would recommend going through the archives if you're a new reader. There is a continuing storyline, and it is well worth the read.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day in Review (6/28/12)

Today a very special video came out, Meet the Pyro!

Even if you're not a fan of Team Fortress 2, chances are your friends (in a desperate attempt to pique your interest) showed you the Meet the videos; of which there have been a slowly growing number (one for each of the cast of nine characters). Today marks the last, and most waited for video; and to be honest, it was exactly what I was expecting. Incredibly hilarious, and a strong metaphor for the joy and happiness the Pyro brings to all of our lives through burny, horrific, death.

That's about all I have for today, the desktop is almost ready, and for that matter the video editing is about half done. I know I could get a release out sooner if I did some of the writing work that needs to get done, but after this video I'm done... with this movie.... forever... You just don't know how much my psyche needs that right now.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day in Review (6/26/12)

Been a while since I got two in a row.

First up we have a new Dark Legacy Comic, for those unfamiliar, DLC is a World of Warcraft based comic strip, it doesn't have a strong continuing storyline and really just tries to poke fun at both WoW and the people that play it. This one in particular is a great example of this strips sense of humor.

Secondly the final part of Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episode 30 is up! The second season is now over, and we can wait possibly a few months until the third season goes up. This one had a number of strong jokes, including the marvelous return of several older jokes. I found it to be as strong as just about any of Team Four Star's episodes. Of which there have been very few weak ones.

Finally the desktop is finally online and I've spent a large part of today getting stuff downloaded (after sleeping in and cooking food for the week). Hopefully I can get the desktop running smoothly by tomorrow, as well as see if Skype will actually work on the new computer. (Plus Steam, god I miss playing Team Fortress.) Also I'll be hitting the video editing on S.T.U.F.F. Reviews Episode 4 tomorrow, so we'll see if I can't get that done and up.

G'Night everybody!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day in Review (6/25/12)

Another late post, but that was because I ended yesterday exhausted and just spent the rest of the day hanging with my brother. He's on the road back to Ohio now, so I can return to focusing on work.

So the fair was surprisingly excellent. I had heard a lot of bad things, and expected the place to be pretty deserted, but there was still a decent sized cast and a fairly large crowd. The storyline was a solid one, and the acting was and good as its ever been. Some of the fights were a little more unrehearsed than is usual, but there were some incredible fighters. Really the biggest problems stemmed from the location. A lot of lines and songs were drowned out by the highway situated in stone throwing distance. But I did have a lot of fun, the shows were comical as always. If you haven't gone yet, I would recommend seeing it, they will be playing again this weekend from 12-6:30.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day in Review (6/20/12)

Sorry this is a day late, my net cut out last night and I couldn't get online. Just one video today, a big one too.

Team Four Star's Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Episode 30 Part 2 went up today, and just like their last multi-part episode the jokes are starting to stack together. Last one was closer to a chuckle, this part let all the set-ups from the last part sell off.

Also Naruto and Bleach saw releases, Naruto finally had the 'tear-full' departure of Itachi, unfortunately he conveyed his final message to Sasuke by way of flashback. So there's that. And stuff happened on Bleach. I'm exactly sure as to what, but that happened. Like I said before, I'm not going to go too far in depth with these, since I may choose to review them on S.T.U.F.F. Reviews later. (Trust me, at this point Naruto deserves worse and Bleach is getting there.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Page 21 of the Comic

New comic page is up!

Day in Review (6/19/12)

Just a quick update today. I'm working on getting the new desktop set up, but more importantly, my brother is here for only a little over a week longer, and I would rather spend my extra time with him, at least until he leaves. Then everything with return to normal and I'll get back to work on my stuff. So I'm putting everything on hold for a little while and taking a break. I'll continue to do the Day in Review (when things actually happen) and the Comic pages will be up as per usual. (Speaking of, I'm heading over right now to make sure this week's goes up) Otherwise have a nice week everyone!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day in Review (6/18/12)

Okay, no releases I want to talk about today, all me. I've been doing a major overhaul in my workspace in order to compensate for a new computer. It's stronger than my laptop (plus its a desktop) I just need to reboot it, which means finding my Windows 7 disks. This is what has been delaying me in putting up anything. As of right now my laptop loads Firefox after about a half-hour of coaxing, so I need to upgrade. That's pushing everything I want to do back especially the video (Pinnacle crashes every five minutes on this damn thing.)

But this is not all, I also want to say that Dr. Wolf will be observing a localized temporal anomaly this Sunday (June 24th).

It's the annual New Jersey Renaissance Kingdom, and I know the Fair has been seeing a lot of bad times lately, but this year one of the more intelligent and capable leaders has taken the reigns of the Fair. Sadly she's gotten them when the Fair is facing some of the worst times it's ever seen, but people shine in the most desperate of times. I'm going to show my support, and any of you out there who love Renaissance, NJRK, or festivals should come show some support too.

The event is at Washington Memorial Park, Dunellen New Jersey. This Saturday and Sunday, and next Saturday and Sunday (June 23, 24, 30, and July 1) and it runs from 12:00 PM to 6:30 PM.

Hopefully I'll have everything up and running soon enough to catch up.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day in Review (6/17/12)

Two videos today.

The first is a big one, Episode 30 of Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Personally, I love how they handled the very tricky Super Saiyan Transformation, it's one of the strongest emotional moments in the actual series, so if they tried to affect or change it, the joke would just fall apart. Instead they brushed it to one side, allowing fans to remember it as is, and moved on with the episode. Now this is just part 1 of 3, so we have plenty more to look forward to. Awesome work Team Four Star.

Second up is a review of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air by the N. Chick. Personally I never saw Fresh Prince, but even people who have no clue or preference towards the series can find humor in watching the N. Chick along with several of the That Guy crew embarrassing themselves by dancing.

I am working on everything, it will all be up before the week is out. I'll get back to being regular probably next week or two when my parents and brother leave the house and I'll be alone for six weeks with absolutely no one around.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day in Review (6/16/12)

Three videos  today, and a very tired person.

First up we have the next episode of Freeman's Mind, a video that follows the thoughts of the silent protagonist, Gordon Freeman, as he traverses the dangers of the Black Mesa facility. Today's went for a word joke, and probably over did it a little bit. Not for first time viewers, but fans will definitely get a kick out of this.

Second, LittleKuribo over at Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged delivered the next (and allegedly last) chapter of his Lady Gaga parody videos. This is honestly what I think anime music videos should be, and LK delivers at every turn. It's honestly hilarious and catchy.

Finally SF released a new video, The First Duty, a TNG episode in the fifth-sixth season. Also the most redeeming episode for Wesley Crusher; a character that is frankly not remembered favorably. SF made some very spot on points about the episode and managed to crack some healthy jokes along the way. Another enjoyable review in my book.

Also today was my twin sister's second birthday. They were adorable, and exhausting. They among the presents their favorites were two baby dolls, and a seat and bike for the dolls. Wars will now be waged over those toys. Wars that I choose to be neutral in, like Switzerland.

The above explains why the video isn't out yet, and I'll probably be up all hours of the night finishing it, only to have to do the same again tomorrow to get the Fan Fiction chapter done. Then the next night for the main story... Or I can promise all these things over the next week and get them done as they come. I might do the later, since I have few enough fans that I think I can get away with posting whenever...

Good Night everybody!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day in Review (6/14/12)

Alright, a short but fun day today. I spent most of it trying to get the review done and I promise it'll be up before Saturday is over.

Only a couple comics today. Darths and Droids had an excellent one dealing with one of the most famous lines in Star Wars. The entire premise of this comic is excellent. It's a bunch of people telling the story of the six Star Wars movies as if it was a Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game.

On the other hand Real Life Comics makes a return with the ultimate First World Problems joke. It's definitely worth a look.

Finally, I would like to make mention of a couple things, first new banner and button. I'm hoping the both of them last us a long time; and I think they both look excellent. Next, the review show will be going on a technical hiatus for eight weeks while Ted Selden is teaching at a camp. (And before you say I could go it alone, realize he's the one with the camera and lights.) But all is not lost, I have planned to do four mini-videos over the course of the eight weeks using my computer's web-cam. So you know quality will be shit.

It's going to be a side-segment that I'll later adapt to handle questions. But for the next four weeks I'll be explaining a few things about the review show and how we'll be running it. Namely; the Ratings system, the Request system, how we handle series, and how we handle games. Not necessarily in that order. (I'll have the order up in the forums soon.)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day in Review (6/13/12)

So this is back, I'll explain later. First we'll go over the new stuffs today; a buncha comic updates.

Starting with Pebble Version, a Pokemon comic that follows the adventures of Brandon and May through the world of Pokemon. It uses this as a frame to satirize the series and examine some of the flawed logic. Today's comic was particularly funny, dealing with the mechanics of trading.

Next up is the Daily Blink, a World of Warcraft comic that switches between being a newsletter and displaying the inner workings of the development team (making extensive fun of some of the biggest names.) Today's comic was particularly funny and you don't even need to know anything about World of Warcraft to enjoy it.

Skin Horse also had an amazingly funny comic today, it's not often that we get to see a typical clumsy guy act like a bad ass, so when it does happen we're left with an odd mix, somewhere between laughing our asses off and having respect for the poor guy who managed to intimidate a security guard, while only holding a wrench.

Elsewhere I'm almost done with Avatar: The Last Airbender, with only half of season three left to go. I'm amazed at the deep ideals and reflections of humanity that course through this show. I won't say much more in case I get a chance to review it later. As well One Piece and Bleach saw releases today as well. Again I won't go into much detail, but it is nice to see Bleach finally starting to get back to what they do best; take a bunch of overpowered characters and find a way to screw them over.

One Piece was just it's usual level of amazing peppered with a bit of humor. Unfortunately it's hard to judge One Piece until you've seen the entire arc. Often times the story relies on its strength as a whole, and the author is not afraid to let there be some boring chapters at the start of an arc if it means he can amp up the tension later on.

I know I went silent for a little while, but my brother did just recently get back from college for a couple weeks, and I had Jury Duty yesterday, and Ted is leaving this Sunday for eight weeks. So mostly I've been getting caught up with my brother, working on all the comic pages we're going to need for the next eight weeks as well as trying to get enough footage to last eight weeks (something we failed at), topped with a little bit of being bored out of my fucking skull. (At least I wasn't picked to be on the jury, but I didn't even get to go up and tell them why I shouldn't be.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Page 20 of the Comic

Sorry I've gone kinda dark the last few days, yesterday I had to report for jury duty. I didn't even need to tell them why they don't want me, I was sent home after a long and boring day of listening to other people be told to leave.

So here, today's comic!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 10

Sorry for the late update, Ted is heading out for a camp this Sunday and he won't really be around for 2 months, so we're trying to get a lot of stuff done before he leaves.


I grunted as I hit the cold floor. A guard smirked down as he closed the door to my cell. “I would suggest you stay put until Sir Wraith returns. He can get... temperamental.” With that the man slinked off to a corner of the room.

“Tech, are you there? We need a way out, now. There's a shadow here.” Jato began talking fast into his communicator.

“I can't locate Pah. You guys are going to have to get close to her.” I looked up at Jato.

“We'll see what we can do.” Jato muttered back.

“I can bend the bars out of here, but we'd better hope that shadow is far far away.” I said.

“They're probably expecting us to try and escape...” Jato said, looking around.

“I could probably open the wall pretty quietly.” Jato nodded and a few seconds later we were scrambling down the halls, heading for the master bedroom. We spotted a few guards at the door and just opened another route through the wall. Pah was sitting in the center of the room, a set of runes were inscribed around her. She seemed bound. Jato tentatively reached out to her, but the runes began glowing and shocked him, revealing an invisible wall.

“I'm guessing that is blocking Tech. Any ideas?”

“Guys?” Pah looked up and saw us. “Awesome! Let me get outta these.” The cuffs on her wrists melted away and she tried to get up, but the barrier prevented her. She tried to set fire to it, but the fire just passed through, forcing me to move.

“Huh... Only semi-solid. Thorium, shift the floor and break the runes.” I nodded and moved the stone tiles until one set of runes were out of place, Pah quickly squeezed through and stood up.

“Alright, we're all together, get us out of here Tech.” I said.

“No.” Pah said.

“Pah, we're going.”

“He's attacking the other village. I can't just leave them.”

“If we go, he's just going to catch us again.” Pah shook her head.

“We have to try.”


“At least we should warn this village, try and save them.”

“Alright. Come on, we can get to the plaza faster this way.” I said as we fled the castle.

Unfortunately the plaza wasn't a pleasant sight. As we walked out of the castle, we saw citizens encased in what looked like black crystal; frozen in place.

“We're getting out of here.” Jato said. I touched one of the crystals, feeling its cold surface for a few seconds.

“Let's take one of these. I want to know what this is.” I said, lifting the chunk off the ground as a portal opened. Jato gripped Pah firmly and pushed her through and I followed close behind.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 4


Things are getting rough and emotional. Also my net cut out which is why this is late.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Webs of Nature: Cycles

Cycles are a core principal of existence. They are present in nearly every aspect of life, from the Earth's orbit to the life cycle of grass, this is a concept that we all know and understand well. Even time is often referred to as a cycle; the fact that history repeats itself, that similar events pock-mark our past, that our society slowly grows and changes; not in a straight line, but in a slow circular pattern.

Time is often pictured as a sphere, lines stretching out and reaching back from the beginning, symbolizing the repetition of life. However, if it were a true cycle, there would be a point where everything began and where everything will have to end up. A point at the center of the sphere, where all the many paths and possibilities of time spew forward. A point where all those loose and scattered strands return. Something has to occur there, at that point, one event that signals the beginning and the end.

What that event is, well there really is no way to be certain; however we can guess and hypothesize. The only thing that does make sense to me is a related theory of how the universe began, and how it will end.

This isn't uncommon knowledge, the idea that the universe will collapse in on itself when the core becomes a gravity well strong enough to suck every planet and star back to the center. It works well with the theory that time is cyclical. It began with a large amount of compressed materials exploding out into space, and ends with all that matter coming back to be compressed.

The question is, is that all? Is that all that defines us? A fluke accident, on a chance rock, floating in an inky sea? I guess the possibility exists; but it doesn't feel right. Taking that theory to it's natural conclusion, feels empty. Nothing moves forward, no progress is made, in fact our very existence is literally pointless and nothing would change whether we lived to see the end or we all killed ourselves. It's an empty, pointless, existence.

So why does it feel wrong. An intangible feeling of dread, as if we're looking at something and logically it makes sense, but we somehow know we're interpreting it wrong.

I think, cycles exist more prevalently in this than we would first assume; for most cycles never end in the exact same place as they began, most of the time something is different, hopefully better, but not always. I think, in that moment, where all matter returns to one point and compresses into one form, at that point the culminated experiences, ideas, perceptions, and imagination of life are compressed as well.

Everything coalesces into a perfect, or near perfect being. A true God; comprised of every idea, every event, every aspect of life. And for a few seconds It will exist. But I do not believe Perfection is an obtainable state, and if the cycle is to be maintained, that being will erupt again restarting the process; adding a piece of what came before to the new cycle. So progress is made and the cycle continues. Is there an end to the cycle? Who knows. Who knows what the end result would be? Perhaps each cycle is an attempt at perfection, and every time it fails, the cycle repeats, carrying what was learned into the next.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day in Review (6/7/12)

Saw a lot of videos today, so there's a lot to talk about.

First off I saw Yahtzee's new review on Max Payne 3. A series I only know by name, and I've had very little interest in. However once this one drops in price (and I can afford to purchase games) I might pick this one up, if only to play around with the bullet-time physics. (Yahtzee always seems to manage to find the best and the worst in games. Almost simultaneously.)

Next was a quick review of the E3 conferences by Benzaie. Who managed to riff on all of them, in practically the same manner. It's a quick video, but very funny.

Finally Cinema Snob brings us a horrible movie "They Saved Hitler's Brain". The review did a very good job of showing exactly how bad this movie is, and it provided him plenty of material to poke very very large holes in. The review was hilarious, but the movie footage is almost painful to watch.

Several comics also updated today, Looking For Group and Head Trip being the most notable.

I'd like to say props to LFG Comics for having an openly gay goblin. Even if he's trying to sacrifice the main character to his god.

And Head Trip brought about a bit of realistic humor, that really only cat owners will understand. However true it might be.

Ted was over today, and work was done on the comics, we almost have enough to cover his eight week absence starting in a little over a week. In the meantime we also watched All Good Things, the final episode of TNG. Followed by Caretaker the first episode of Voyager, and Emissary the first episode of Deep Space Nine. We closed off the day with Star Trek Generations, and I have filled out the rest of the day watching Avatar.

A few things, All Good Things was amazing! I love the end of the series, and it is possibly the best episode in TNG. Caretaker was meh, I actually enjoyed it more when it was being silly, as soon as they tried to do stuff I got bored. Emissary was awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing a cast of gritty characters throw grit at each other. Generations was meh. Worth it, if only for the many Kirk-Picard jokes. I am, however, hooked onto Avatar the Last Airbender. I may finish that before traveling much deeper into Trek.

G'Night everybody!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day in Review (6/6/12)

Work got done today! But first we have an illustrious Nostalgia Critic video!

The Critic gave us another one of his infamous top 11 lists. This time, we got his Top 11 Simpson Episodes. It was fairly through, covering most of the biggest and well known episodes, however the point of contention (even he noted it would be) seemed to revolve around his number 1 pick. I personally do not agree with his choice (for me its a lot harder to pick, but the Treehouse of Horror where Homer goes to Hell would probably be my #1) but I do agree with Why he chose it. When a series runs as long as the Simpsons has, and has had as many outstanding episodes as this particular series has, everyone's favorite is going to almost assuredly be different. Because Simpsons runs the humor and topical gambits, there are going to be episodes that individually appeal more to each person. I'd guess that very few people actually have the exact same #1 episode, but can agree on which ones are very good; just based on our tastes in humor.

Outside of that I did finish off TNG season 7, although I skipped most of the later half. I know now why people regard it as a weak season, the first half is relatively strong with some good and interesting stories, but in the latter half of the season the ball is dropped and kicked into a nearby playground. However I am not counting All Good Things in this analogy. I haven't watched that episode yet, and plan to do so when Ted comes over next. (As well as plow through the four movies. If only to see Kirk get buried under a pile of rocks.)

Finally, progress was made, I got the footage from Ted onto my computer where I can ignore it until I'm willing to suffer through Pinnacle. I also got a lot of work done on the Fan Fic chapter, but it isn't an easy one to write. Emotions are running pretty high on this one.

Page 19 of the Comic


Yeah we're back to Wednesdays.

Day in Review (6/5/12)

Today held a lot of laughs, two videos from the TGWTG group, one by Linkara and the other a crossover between the Nostalgia Chick and the Rap Critic. We also had a notable comic come out at Weregeek.

Linkara reviews possibly one of the odder crossover comics in existence, Spiderman meets Saturday Night Live. Yeah it's about as weird as it sounds. It also blows about as much as one would guess. Be sure to watch after the credits, it sounds like Linkara may be in some trouble.

Nostalgia Chick, continuing her "month" long theme of reviewing Will Smith's career (in preparation for the upcoming MIB3) drudged into his rap career. However she couldn't do so without some help, and that's what they have a Rap Critic for! A lot of strong banter and we also get to watch Lindsey dance!

Weregeek has been running for a while, and is an oddball when it comes to webcomics. Not only does it have a continuous storyline, it has at least four storylines. The comic revolves around a group of geeks, this is the primary story, but they are very active in table-top games. Each time they enter one of these games we're treated to a continuation of that game's storyline (So far there are three distinct ones, classic Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, and a Vampire Larp.) This makes it sound like an impenetrable wall of continuity, and it can be. However today's comic is one of those that is just funny regardless of context. I still would recommend slowly reading through this if you are a fan of tabletop games, there's a ton of good ideas and jokes in these pages.

On my end, I got the first draft of the next segment to Webs of Nature done, as well as an outline for the next Fan Fiction update. Waiting for Ted to deliver the footage that we filmed so that I can begin editing.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day in Review (6/4/12)

Sorry for the late day in review. Ted was over and we spent most of the day filming. Today was surprisingly slow, only three comic updates:

The Wotch delivered a strong comic with a sturdy punchline, it's also a good comic to jump in on; considering the storyline isn't all that complicated yet; focusing on a girl with magical powers she can't fully control.

Then we get two from Shaenon Garrity. Namely, Narbonics: Director's Cut which is always funny, but this one in-particular is excellent for the return of one of the main characters Mel; who has been absent after being assumed into Heaven. Narbonics is currently entering its final year (again) and the story is about to jump to eleven. (This is one I will always recommend reading from the beginning.)

The other is Shaenon's new work Skin Horse which is on it's first release, and today's joke was particularly strong; even if you don't know the situation. (Though the quick and dirty is that the guy has been reliving the last few moments of his life ala Groundhog Day.)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dimensional Warriors: The Return Chapter 9


“Do you get the feeling that something's off?” Jato asked once we were about a mile out of the gates.

“Not really. Why?”

“Think about it, a war started over a girl the supposed kidnapper has never seen. Then we arrive and the description happens to match Pah?”

“You think someone else is involved?”

“Not sure yet, but keep your eyes open.” We had entered a forest path and came across some red fabric on the ground.

“Looks like Pah's.” Jato just sighed.

“Yeah, I get the feeling she got tired of being a captive. Probably chased her guard off then ran, but where?” I spotted another piece of cloth on a tree just off the path.

“Over there. Wouldn't be surprised to run into the dress either.”

“Agreed.” We began plumbing through the dense jungle, coming across scraps of clothing, snapped branches, and burnt logs. It wasn't too long before we heard screaming.

“Out of the way!” Pah dashed past, now back in just the basic suit, but she was quickly followed by a giant spiked ball that seemed to be chasing her. I ran to keep pace.

“What did you do!” I yelled over to her.

“I didn't know that thing was alive! I swear!” I looked at the rolling ball of death.

“How could something like that survive? I mean how does it eat?” Almost as if answering my question the ball launched into the air, unfurling to reveal an enormous mouth at the center. I looked back at Pah. “Good luck with that.” I changed directions and got out of the way. I stepped over near Jato as we watched her continue to run from the creature.

“Why does Tech send her out with us?” Jato asked.

“I dunno. But at least she looks like she's having fun.” I said.

The two eventually wore each other out and the creature slinked off to rest somewhere. Pah just collapsed on the ground.

“You gonna put yer dress back on?” I asked, hovering over her. She glared at me and sat up.

“I was hoping we could just leave.”

“No can do. We've been promised supplies, we just have to stop this war.” Jato said.

“So you're just going to hand me over?”

“Of course not, we'll try diplomacy.” Pah and I stared at him. “I'll try diplomacy. You guys just keep quiet.”

It took a few days for us to reach the other village, but soon we were standing in front of the gate. A group of guards came out to meet us and took us to the castle.

“Oh my lovely wife! How I've missed you!” The King was all hands, and I felt that the only thing stopping her was Jato's steady glare. “I must repay you for retrieving her from those brutish Foulk. Let's see, Ah! Take them to the treasury, let them have what they will.”

“Uh, sir. I actually have a few questions I'd like answered first, if that is alright.” He gave Jato a slightly irritated look but decided to sit down.

“Very well. Take the Queen to her quarters, I will be reunited with you shortly.” He watched as Pah was led out then returned his focus onto us. “Please, ask your questions. It has been a long time since I have laid eyes on my wife and I would enjoy some time with her.”

“That's actually what I would like to ask you about.” Jato said, sitting down as well. “How... how did you meet your wife? Where?”

“Oh, some five years ago, down by the shoreline. On look was all it took as I recall.”

“Is that shoreline near?”

“Oh, heavens no. I was on sabbatical. The locals were happy to part with her for the right price.”

“Well, I'm sorry, but that is impossible. Five years ago the woman in your room was a man.” Jato said.


“We have been long friends of his, we know him quite well. I would guess that the real Queen is being held somewhere else.”

“Oh, and what evidence do you have of this?” He said, standing slowly.

“Other than the fact that we all arrived here together and have been around each other for the past five years, none.”

“The Foulkians put you up to this didn't they? They just want her for themselves!”

“I promise you, we aren't under Foulkian influence.”

“Even then... But what if...” The King began looking over his shoulder sporadically as he spoke.

“That will be enough.” A new voice came from behind, a familiar one. Metudo walked into the room, and after tapping the King's shoulder the man crumpled to the floor. “Such an easy will to break too.” I looked at Metudo, he wasn't wearing our usual uniforms, instead he seemed to be encased in black leather, new tattoos ran along his face. He grinned as he looked over the two of us.

“Metudo? What are you doing here?” I asked. “Does Tech want us back?” With a blink I was flying through the air.

“So dim.” I had a hard landing, but after a few moments my body was responding.

“Shadow.” Jato spat.

“Exactly. Now, if you would be so kind, tell me where my other half is? Or I can just send you lot back to my Master. I know he's taken a particular interest in the Fire Goddess.”

“We won't tell you anything.” Jato said, his staff drawn. Again I barely blinked and missed Metudo's movement. He was already inside Jato's guard, his face almost pressed against Jato's.

“Good.” With that Jato was sent flying into me.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fan Fiction Update: The Return Chapter 3


Finished up with a trip to Mass Effect, gonna pick a new world for the team to head to next...

Day in Review (6/2/12)

Hard day for me today, I spent a lot of it working on storyboards for the comic and writing the fan fiction chapter. But I did get to watch an awesome review by SFDebris!

He picked at an old Star Trek TNG episode, The Bonding, and launched into a full out attack on the Roddenberry ideals; even going so far as to read off a quote by one of the writers. I was honestly surprised, as I watched TOS and TNG I thought I got a good grip on Roddenberry's ideals and personally liked them. But when I heard Roddenberry's take on death and how it should be handled... Well it honestly doesn't appeal to me, or sound plausible, in any human context.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day in Review (6/1/12)

Just starting this, which is a small collection of the videos, comics, etc, that stood out to me over the day.

First we have two reviews, one by SFDebris and the other by the Cinema Snob.

SFDebris gave a deep look into the first "chapter" of Avatar: The Last Airbender (The series, not the movie) and as a man on the fence about even watching the series he has swayed me. I'll have to go grab a copy of the series sometime (unless its on Netflix).

Cinema Snob also delivered a strong review, but in the opposite direction. He picked apart an old cult classic, Sleepaway Camp. He provided snappy, witty commentary while pointing out the glaring errors in the film. Definitely a fun review to watch, and his amazing voice only serves to help.

Finally I got a good laugh out of today's Real Life Comics; I always have a soft spot for characters that are "dumber" than average, and while Greg is somewhat smarter than is normal for this stereotype, the final line is perfectly in character and hilarious.