New Metudo chapter, yes its early. Reasons for the earliness will be in the comments below. Enjoy!
I was floating, hanging in the air. After a few seconds I realized I was dreaming; that rare self-awareness that sometimes occurs. I saw a mountain beneath me, and around it people, people moving steadily towards it from every direction; as if drawn there by some strange force. Then the crowd thinned, all them going underground, as the landscape turned black. Gunfire, blood, metal, the mountain was bleeding. Then from the south, a light. A small group of people, fighting their way through the darkness. As they reached the mountain the light grew; I felt myself flying backwards, higher and higher, as the light stretched out further and further until the planet came into view. The light stretching from one end to the other.
I woke in cold sweat; my mind racing. I rubbed my face to clear my brow. Somehow I knew that hadn't been just a dream. “Foresight. Of course, he said that was my specialty.” I nearly slapped myself.
“You say something?”
“Nah.” I said quickly and looked at the sky. Dawn was coming. “But we might as well get up. How're you feeling?”
“Like I just got woken up.”
“Aside from that, you took a pretty bad fall.”
“I'm not even scratched. I guess that's really weird, but this body is suddenly tough. I'm not used to being able to hit anything.” I started packing up the supplies.
“I guess it would be strange.” Anatos was half up and looking around vaguely. “Couldn't we wait until the sun was up?”
“Yeah well, I'm not really tired. Tough cookies eh?” He got the rest of the way up resignedly and began packing.
“Any idea where we're headed?”
“Just one. There's a mountain up north. I think the old guy left some sort of subliminal message to go there.”
“Well that's useful.”
“Yeah, he must've been really good at messing with people's minds.” I said, more to myself. “Anyway, we better get going. I don't really want to be out here on our own much longer.”
“What about this cane thing?” I looked over at where the cane was still embedded in the ground.
“I guess it's mine now.” I said, pulling it from the ground quietly. It felt warm in my hand, welcoming. I placed it down to lean on it and the cane adjusted itself to my height.
“Why can't mine do that?” I grinned over at Anatos.
“Dude, yours creates water.”
“Yeah but you can't lean on it.”
Okay, so I put this up early this week primarily because we still do not have power. I wanted to leave comments and send out the update notices when the chapter actually went up, so I'm putting it up now.
ReplyDeleteThat said, this is a short chapter, more of a foreshadowing; but Metudo happens to progress through events much faster than Neko will, so there will be a few of these. More based on character development than plot development. BTW Tough cookies is actually an edited version of one of my cousin Matt's favorite phrases: Tough titties. Since Metudo is a representation of him, I'm of course using this. But I didn't feel the regular version was as reader friendly.
Now for this weeks shipping of webcomics that I enjoy I'm going to go two at a time this week since these two are incredibly similar: El Goonish Shive( and The Wotch(
Both are multiple transformation story line based comics. In both the main transformation is gender bending, specifically male to female through magical means.
The major difference is story type. El Goonish Shive runs a very character based story, with multiple little arcs controlled by various characters with few major villains and only a very light smattering of foreshadowing that there may even be major villains. It's pretty light hearted and very funny.
The Wotch on the other hand is a very plot driven story, with a smaller character cast. There is an over arching villain and you're told early on who the ultimate evil is. It also tends towards being very funny and very light hearted. Though maybe a little darker overall than El Goonish.
Shipping done, now for insane ranting. Reader be warned, this next segment will contain cursing, complaining, and probably incomprehensible rambling:
This is fucking ridiculous. I can't hold up under these conditions. I'm sure all the food in my fridge is completely spoiled, maybe sparing the flour tortillas, and maybe the eggs. I dunno what happens to eggs in temperate climate. I'm positive the stench is the sour cream though. At least other than that there is no other milk based substances since I drank the last of the milk an hour after the power went out and ate the last of the ice cream (1/2 a tub) later that night. It was a slushie. And it was totally worth the stomachache. I don't know why, but this fridge is crap. It has like an evac all cold air utility upon power out, 'cause when I opened the freezer the first time after the black out it was positively temperate. I swear if the power company doesn't solve this soon I'm going to call them personally and tell them to fix it or give me the legal right to fix it myself. I mean all that happened is the plug was unplugged. The wire isn't even damaged. All I'd need is a ladder, a pair of rubber gloves and some pliers. Just carry the cord across the street, plug it in, and tighten. Boom power. Happy non-homicidal family. But no, they're holding out until I can find out how to charge a chainsaw with a potato. If only I had a chainsaw. Or a potato. I wouldn't be having these problems then.
I feel better now...