Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Art of Ted Selden: The Wicked Stoplight

The Wicked Stop Light.
Digital Media
The Wicked Stop Light is a character that has been bouncing around my sketchbooks for a few years now. This is the most complete rendition of him in existence so far. I imagine him interacting with Batman, as played by Adam West, or any other super hero during the Silver age of comics. Like Professor Scuttlebum, I have no story for him to play the antagonist in yet. But I’ll think of something. I have not written his origin story yet, that will come once I’ve decided what story he is part of. Then his origin will strengthen whatever narrative he is shoehorned into.  His super powers include: misdirecting traffic to cause accidents, stopping people or objects with his red light, slowing people or objects down with his yellow light, and returning people and objects to their regular speed with his green light. 
His career as a super villain would have been pretty standard. After acquiring his powers, he took a month to perfect them and then started robbing banks. A Super Hero or two would have foiled his plans and after a few months of this routine The Stop Light would develop a special hatred for the one who constantly foiled his plans again and again. His new villain curriculum would include seeking revenge in addition to the thieving. At some point he would have been part of a mass abduction of heroes and villains orchestrated by a great cosmic entity who wished to see what would happen if super powered individuals were through into a reality television show. During this adventure the Stop Light would have acquired some for form of super alien technology which allowed him to develop his formally inaccessible master plan: which leads us into this picture.
In this particular scene, he is at the climax of his career.  He has been an established villain in his home city of operations for several years, but this is the day that his Ultimate Super Duper Apocalyptic Weapon of Doom is about to engulf the city.

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